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POLA collection / Warsaw exhibition



The exhibition features over a dozen works by Magda Jurek from her latest collection POLA/FIELDS. Inspired by the monumental ceramic art of the modernist era and the formal experiments of op art, it is a series of ceramic compositions similar in form to paintings. The artist and designer, known to the public as Pani Jurek, develops her colour-based visual language through the medium of ceramics.

Animism exhibition at Alcova Milan

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We are pleased to be a part of "Animism". Adorno  exhibition of contemporary design and crafts taking place at Alcova Milan  in a grand room of the historical Villa Bagatti Valsecchi   in conjunction with Millano Design Week. The exhibition will investigate the deeper meaning of objects, through the lens of Animism. 

MARIA SC / plywood edition

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Maria S.C. chandeliers are made from laboratory test tubes, set in two or one plywood bands. This unconventional material and geometric shape makes these lamps both classic and innovative. The double glass cylinder recalls Art Deco forms in a unique contemporary way. The use of ready-made objects gives an appearance with a Duchamp idea. The lamp is inspired by the Polish scientist, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 

TRN Configuration

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"CONFIGURATION” was an exhibition organized as part of the MAZDA DESIGN ICONS series - the first public presentation of TRN collection, awarded with the Mazda Design Award 2020.


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The 19th-century wooden villa in Lodz, part of the Central Museum of Textile, inaugurated its opening in September 2022 with the "Checkered" exhibition. The starting point for the exhibition was the checkered workers shawl once worn by women in the factories. Now it has become a source of inspiration for art works and installations by contemporary artists and designers. 

We are all collages


We are all collages at BWA - Municipal Art Gallery of Bydgoszcz presents what has happened in the last two years with Psikusy project. At the exhibition, you can see effects of numerous workshops, animations, documentations of activities.

Psikusy / Kielce

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Unpointers, unpoodles, untartan unsheperds and all other mongrels from, PSIKUSY book and blocks at the first solo exhibition at Design Institute in Kielce. The exhibition was accompanied by workshops and charity auction for dog shelter in Dyminy.


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Bioluminescence is a living organisms’ ability to emit light without heat production. Among the glowing species, up to 80% live in water. In search for alternative sources of energy and reducing heat emission, the Holy Grail of energy turns out to lie in the oceans.

Blind fields

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"What do I feel with my cheek, with my knee or with my hand? What does the cup look like, see with my knee? I am trying to figure that out. I am remembering it, using my knee, rub the smooth, cold surface, feeling the protuberance, and the hole. it is sharp on the edge. Then, using my memory and the eyes, I try to shape it. I am looking at this and I do not recognize it."

Seed boards


This multifunctional board can be used as a wall clock shield, a cutting/cheese board or simply hung on the wall as a decorative piece, the way the original Hucul plates were used. The starting point to design this project was a reflection on the old rhythm of human life, measured not by hours or minutes, but by the sun phases and human work. The visual inspiration was taken from a sunflower – a popular crop in Ukraine, considered as a solar plant.

Living lamps

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Bioluminescence is a living organisms’ ability to emit light. It has inspired Pani Jurek to create eco lamps. Together with Stanisław Łoboziak, a biologist designer created a lighting fixture that can emit light without the necessity of supplying them with electricity. In nature, bioluminescent diatoms can be observed, when waves full of diatoms hit the shore and the water flares blue magical light. Diatoms do not emit light during the day, it occurs only during the night and when they are in motion. 

Toys for kids with impaired vision

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The 4 popular games: Battleship, Hussars, Memory and Horizon Circle have been modified according to universal design, to be usable for children with impaired vision. Tactile qualities and contrasts have been emphasized. The toys are made of elements which are easily accessible. 

Their City - Dzika Ochota

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Illustrations and key visuals for the project "Their City" organized by the Academy of Dzika Ochota and the Management of the Municipal Greenspace Authority in Warsaw. It was a series of walks and tours aimed at learning about the inhabitants (mainly birds and insects) of Warsaw's parks and green spaces.


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Exhibition BASE in CK Zamek in Poznan. Our tents were designed with kids. The walls are covered with children’s thoughts about what the home is or should be.


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"Adopt Varsovian" is an annual charity event organized by the "Na Paluchu" dog shelter. We took part in it by organizing a workshop for children. The children's task was to make a portrait of a dog, one of the stray dogs living in the shelter. The children used the covers of our Psikusy books.

Psikusy workshops


In the first months since the launching of the PSIKUSY Books, we have done a dozen workshops for children and adults in Poland, South Korea, Japan and England, promoting the beauty of non-breed dogs, and as a result interest in the problem of stray dogs and popularizing their adoption.

Adopt Varsiovian

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"Adopt Varsovian" is an annual charity event organized by the "Na Paluchu" dog shelter. We took part in it by organizing a workshop for children. The children's task was to make a portrait of a dog, one of the stray dogs living in the shelter. The children used the covers of our Psikusy books.


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Wood waste toys. Sometimes when it is raining or when my daughter is bored, we make wood waste toys. Each piece tells us what it wants to be in the future. This way, we have managed to gather such a  gang. We have also workshops with preschoolers using wooden offcuts

Views from...

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The idea for the postcards was born in Krakow, where we conducted workshops for architecture students through lectures on the theory of vision and spatial orientation, where we learned the perception of different types of visually impaired people.

Designer Mama

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How is it possible to make kids sensitive to well designed space? The answer can be found in a new product by Pani Jurek. She selected her favorite items from the history of modern design, embroidered their shapes on the tablecloth and „arranged” the interior under the table. 


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KOLO- cylindrical lighting objects that change light intensity with touch. A new lighting set is created by Polish designer Pani Jurek together with architect Piotr Musialowski. Through tactile play with the object, two lamps – KOLO Magnet and KOLO Sand – feature adjustable light intensity to meetthe needs and moods of its user.

Psikusy blocks

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The “PSIKUSY. Remix your dog” is a concept about how the mixed breed dogs arise, about dog personalities, the shapes and colors galore, that only nature can create. The concept and graphic design is created by Pani Jurek and Małgorzata Gurowska, Dorota Masłowska wrote a witty statement which is the praise of mongrelism and diversity.


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The Plika Light is made from a bunch of coloured fibers mounted in white ceramic elements. The form evokes Rasta dreadlocks but the name suggests an inspiration derived from Plica Polonica (Polish Plait), an old Polish superstition.


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